Backing Local Businesses

Small and medium size businesses are the lifeblood of North Yorkshire’s economy. Most of us are employed in small enterprises, rather than large multinationals. Small companies are also an important part of our local communities.

Across the constituency I meet with dozens of fantastic small businesses. Not just in our towns but in our rural areas too, entrepreneurs are working hard to serve their customers, grow their businesses and increase local employment.

Micro-breweries like the Wensleydale Brewery are expanding, artisan cheesemakers Curlew Dairy are winning awards and skilled engineering firm Allerton Steel exports all over the world – across north Yorkshire we have brilliant local businesses in every industry.

We also have vibrant market towns filled with local, independent stores where we are proud to shop. From Campbells in Leyburn to Barkers in Northallerton, our local retailers are treasured icons.

My first job was working on a shop floor, I come from a small business family and I have spent my entire professional life in business. I know first hand what these local companies need from government.

I will do everything I can to support local enterprises: lower taxes, reforming business rates, less regulation, incentivising investment, rewarding innovation and ensuring affordable finance.  We must create the right climate for our businesses to flourish and continue to create jobs in the local economy.